Making of a humble pie

I tried to make a humble pie. For which few ingredients were important to buy. Holding my bag I went on singing a melody, I crossed a store which had a discount on everything you buy. I inquired with Mr. Shopkeeper about the ingredients I desire. He said, "It's a huge box with maximum discounts but these will cost you plenty". But as it's a human tendency, Things we get for free are more special than a hard-earned spent penny. I brought that box along with me happily. As I started making my pie. To a bowl, I added some flour of solace, But it was a brand of agony. To give a good rise I added some yeast of compassion, But its maker was animosity. To maintain its consistency, I added more sugar of joy, But it turned out to be a product of melancholy. To give a good finishing glaze, I topped it with sprinkles of equanimity, But its producer was unconformity. The outcome of, my not so humble pie, Made me realize, That discount comes at a very high price.