
Showing posts from September, 2020

An orb of fire

Looking back at the person I was, I waved to that human I have lost. The huge orb of fire I encompass, Fiery so much that people fear to grasp. A plethora of blotches I have sustained. Regularly a few more are added,  But I have a skirmish spirit and survived. Earlier I was scared with this fire I possessed, But blemishes are essential, the time suggests. To shine like the sun it's important to get burned. Because shackles are not easily detached. Something has to be paid to own a reward, Deeds are counted before you are crowned, And win the shining potent sword.

Cry behind a smile

       Standing still with that constant smile is the actual hustle. Holding emotions tending to hide that aching heart muscle. Moments of joy are unapproachable, But to make everything look all right, it's important to have some smiles to drizzle. Feelings are churned every then and now because that's the way of living. No matter how hard you try, you are born to bear the slagging. One who promises to stay seems to elope. Hearts are safe, closed in a sealed envelope. Running behind to capture one happy moment to survive, But this is the uphill long drive. Theories are in abundance which one to pertain, After some time all of it is not enough to sustain. Cry behind that smile will always prevail, Someone will understand is the expectation that always fails.